Jewish Journey
A Transgender Rabbi Finds Truth in Torah
A veteran, educator, counselor, and rabbi finds the power to transition.
Published in the October 2017 issue of
Jewish in Seattle Magazine
In my life, I’ve been a lot of things:
Navy nuclear power operator, enlisted and officer, submarine and
surface ship. Spouse and parent. Disabled veteran. Jewish educator.
Rabbi and chaplain. Counselor. Veterans advocate and activist. LGBTQ
advocate and activist. Communal activist.
All of these transitions created the possibility for me to
become who I am now: one of two transgender women rabbis in the Pacific
Northwest. By getting to know myself through my graduate and seminary
work, as well as through chaplaincy training, self-exploration during
health issues, and while developing a disability, I was able to come to
the realization that I am transgender. I began my transition two years
ago, and I have never been happier.
An interesting text from the Torah commentary Mikra’ot Gedolot
was one of the catalysts for my decision. Most are familiar with
Leviticus 18:22, which directs men: “You shall not lie with a man / In
the ways of lying with a woman. / It is an abomination.” There are many
who state that this verse is clear and unambiguous. However, there are
many questions in the verse, including, What does “in the ways of lying
with a woman” mean? Rabbeinu Hananel (10th-century Tunisia) writes:
“There could be one who changes the form of his flesh to the form of a
This revolutionary comment is rejected by
Ibn Ezra (11th-century Spain), but the fact that it is included in the
commentaries is radical. This comment got me thinking about my gender
identity as I was learning more about Torah during my time in graduate
school and seminary.
I was trying to come to terms with the
verse from Leviticus vis-à-vis the Conservative movement’s effort to
accept all gay Jews, including seminary students. I knew just the
“peshat,” the plain meaning of the text, but had not yet learned to read
the deeper levels of meaning of texts in Torah.
Since beginning my transition (I do not
say “transitioned,” because I continue to grow in my identity), I have
delved deeper into our traditional texts to study what they have to say
about gender identity and sexuality. This has led me to write a number
of essays and to create and present workshops on the topic. I have found
that in studying traditional commentaries, there is a lot more room in
our tradition for transgender people than many realize.
For instance, Genesis 1:27 states: “God
created the Adam in God’s image / In God’s image God created Adam / Male
AND female God created them” (emphasis added). Most see this as a
statement of the binary state of gender: God created men on the one hand
and women on the other. Yet, when you study the cantillation marks on
this text you see that “male and female” is a single textual unit. And
Midrash Bereshit Rabbah 8:1 says on our verse: “Rabbi Yirmiyah Ben
Elazar said, ‘At the time when the Holy Blessed One created the first
Adam, God created it intersex (androgynos).’”
What an amazing text. God created us in
God’s image. God has myriad characteristics, so it logically follows
that humans do, too. This text is stating that we can have many possible
genders, not a binary state. As I see it, while transitioning my
gender, I am not perverting God’s creation of me; I am simply fulfilling
God’s will in how I was created.